Archive for September 2018
Warwickshire Police Support National Fortnight of Action Raising Awareness of Modern Slavery
Modern slavery takes a number of forms including holding someone in a position of slavery, servitude, or forced or compulsory labour, or facilitating their travel with the intention of exploiting them. One 35-year-old man from Birmingham was spoken to about modern slavery offences under caution following an operation at a business in Nuneaton on Friday…
Read MoreGreat Work This Week by Our OPU Officers (Operational Patrol Unit)
Officers stopped a car on the M6 at junction 3. The driver was found to have no insurance and a provisional licence, vehicle seized and the driver has been reported. Another vehicle was discreetly followed and officers managed to box it in so he couldn’t ‘drive thru’. It was found to have numerous markers on…
Read MoreNumber Plates Stolen From Vehicle in Hatton
Inc 0048 of 26/09/2018 Sometime between the hours of 2100 on 25th September and 0700 on 26th September the number plates of a car parked outside the owners house in Starmer Place, Hatton were stolen. If you think you may have seen or heard anything suspicious that may be related to this incident or have…
Read MoreTheft From Container in Hatton
Some time between 1700hrs Tuesday 25 September 2018 and 0800hrs Thursday 27 September 2018 offenders have broken into a shipping container at the front of the premises on Station Road, Hatton. Offenders have cropped the padlock off and entered the container and stolen a range of power and construction tools. This is Incident 152 of…
Read MoreIncidents Reported in Cubbington
Crime Ref: 23/39812/18 Between 19:00hrs Monday 24-SEP-2018 and 08:00hrs Tuesday 25-SEP-2018 unknown offender(s) entered a ’59’ plate Volvo C30 that was parked outside a residential property on South View Road, Cubbington. Offender(s) stole a SatNav and other items. Crime Ref: 23/40229/18 Between 22:45hrs Wednesday 26-SEP-2018 and 07:00hrs Thursday 27-SEP-2018 unknown offender(s) forced entry into a…
Read MoreTheft From Farm in Barton on the Heath
Within the past ten days a leaf blower and Stilh chain saw have been removed, by unknown persons, from a farm barn at Barton-on-the-Heath, Moreton in the Marsh. If you saw anything or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries please call 101 or report online at and refer to…
Read MoreBicycles Stolen in Rowington
Between 14 September and 28 September 2018 offenders have broken into a garage at a property in Mill Lane, Rowington by jemmying the garage door. Once inside 5 bicycles were stolen. This is incident 174 of 28 September 2018 if you think you may have seen or heard anything suspicious or have any information about…
Read MoreVehicle Entered in Newton
At approximately 02.20 hrs on 29/8/18, 2 males entered an insecure vehicle parked on Newton Lane, Newton, search made but nothing taken. Two other vehicles were tried but found to be secure, no entry made. If you saw anyone acting suspiciously or have any information that could help the police with their enquiries please call…
Read MoreLeicestershire Police Alert – Vehicle Involved in Theft of Batteries
Leicestershire Police Alert: RW have been advised by Leicestershire officers of a silver Vauxhall van, reg DN630PJ involved in the theft of vehicle batteries from a rural property on Coton Bridge Lane, Market Bosworth at midday on the 27th September. Move unused items and equipment out of sight and where possible lock away. If you…
Read MoreWarwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Award – Is There Someone in The Police or a Volunteer Who Has Helped You Who You Would Like To Nominate?
The Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has launched a quest to find the individual or team which has made an outstanding contribution to policing or community safety. This will be the second year that the PCC Award for Excellence in Policing and Community Safety will be presented, following its launch during Warwickshire Police’s…
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