Rugby Rural Area
Vehicle Number Plates Stolen in Wolvey
Crime Ref: 23/5812/25 Some time between 22.50 hrs and 23.30 hrs last night (9/2/25), unknown offender(s) stole the front and rear number plates from a vehicle parked in Wolvey. If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in this area, or have any information including CCTV or dashcam footage that can assist the police with their enquiries,…
Read MoreOperation Galileo – Hare Coursing – Please Report It
Operation Galileo Warwickshire Police are working with forces around the country on Operation Galileo to address hare coursing and related crimes. Increased reports are received around this time of year on farm land. Please be vigilant. Coursing tends to happen on large flat areas of land. Be aware of a vehicle or number of vehicles…
Read MoreDogs Safe in Kennels Following Being Dumped in Willey
Warwickshire Police are pleased to advise that the dogs reported to us running loose on Coal Pit Lane, Willey are safe and well, and currently in kennels. It sadly appears they were dumped in this location on Sunday. Officers from our OPU section attended and took care of them. Efforts will now be made to…
Read MorePlea to Dog Owners re Livestock in Fields
We are now in an important part of the farming calendar with most sheep in the fields at present pregnant. If you own a dog(s) PLEASE keep them on a lead at all times if near to an area with livestock in. If your dog(s) are outside unsupervised at any time please ensure that they…
Read MoreQuad Bike/ATV Alert and Advice
If you have a quad bike or ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) please take all necessary precautions to protect your vehicle and keep it secure. Review your security arrangements and take all necessary precautions. Please see the attached advice sheet for some tips and advice: Quad and ATV Advice sheet P 1 Quad and ATV Advice…
Read MoreUpdate to Warwickshire Police Agricultural Vehicles Dispensation Scheme Applications
Farmers in Warwickshire are reminded that those planning to move big combines or other oversized machinery on the road need to complete the Agricultural Vehicle Dispensation Scheme form which may be relevant, especially at harvest time. In normal circumstances, police must be notified at least 24 hours before vehicles more than 3m wide and/or with…
Read MoreRural Crime Team Newsletter
Team newsletter for your information: Newsletter Nov Dec 2024 1
Read MoreSurvey re Local Pharmaceutical Services from Warwickshire County Council
Do you use any of the local pharmacy services in Coventry and Warwickshire? If so please help us to improve the pharmaceutical service by taking part in a survey and sharing your experiences of using them? Coventry City Council and Warwickshire County Council are conducting the survey, which is officially known as the Pharmaceutical Needs…
Read MoreAppeal to Dog Owners
We have sadly had a further 2 reports of dogs attacking sheep causing injury and death. Please, if you are walking in the countryside near a field with any livestock in, especially sheep, PLEASE put your dog on a lead and keep under close control. If your dogs are let out at anytime in your…
Read MoreWarwickshire Police Officers Respond to Loose Horse on Road
Whilst out on specialised training, officers heard horses hooves coming towards them. As it got nearer they saw a loose horse heading towards a major road. They immediately jumped into their vehicles, closed the road and caught the horse ensuring it was safe. The owner was identified and arranged to collect from the officers. The…
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