Archive for April 2019
Theft From Rural Property at Fillongley
Some time between 22.00 hrs on the 27/4/19 and 03.00 hrs on the 28/4/19, unknown offender(s) accessed a rural property off Wood End Lane, Fillongley and stole a metal Massey Ferguson bucket. The offender(s) cut wire fencing to access the location and came over a field. If you saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area or have…
Read MoreTheft From Outbuilding at Lapworth
Some time between Thursday 18 April and Tuesday 23 April 2019 an outbuilding that housed a workshop at Chessetts Wood Road, Lapworth was broken into. An untidy search was made of the workshop with a quantity of tools being stolen. This is incident 63 of 23 April 2019
Read MoreIncidents Reported in Long Itchington
Incident 173 of 24 April – At some point between midday on 23 April and midday on 24 April, offenders stole 2 concrete lions from beside the front door of a home in Stockton Road, Long Itchington. Incident 332 of 24 April – At some point before 5pm on 24th April, offenders broke into a property at a farm…
Read MoreTractor Sat Nav Stolen in Winderton
Incident 90 of 26 April – Winderton, Banbury: At some point during the night of 25 into 26 April, offenders entered the yard of a farm premises in Winderton, Banbury, and stole a sat nav from a tractor along with a dome from the tractors roof and two screens from the cab.
Read MoreVehicle Stolen From Farm in Southam
Incident 309 of 24 April – Southam: At some point before 4.30pm on 24 April, offenders stole a Mitsubishi vehicle with a registration ending in ULK, from the yard of a farm premises in Station Road, Southam. The owner of the vehicle is still in possession of the vehicle keys.
Read MoreCaravan Stolen From Farm in Stockton
Incident 252 of 25 April – Stockton: During the night of 24 into 25 April, offenders entered the yard of a farm premises in Stockton and stole a caravan. The offenders cut the lock off the farm gates to access the caravan.
Read MoreTheft of Saddlery in Bulkington
Incident 292 of 24 April – Bedworth: At some point between 1800hrs 22/04/2019 and 1600hrs 24/04/2019 offender(s) entered a marquee at a location on Bedworth Road, Bulkington and stole a quantity of saddlery.
Read MoreAttempted Theft at Church in Henley in Arden
Incident 63 of 25 April – At some point between 23 and 25 April, offender entered St John’s Church, Henley in Arden and attempted to break into the church safe, causing damage to the church wall. The offenders did not manage to get into the safe and nothing is believed to have been stolen.
Read MoreCar Key Burglary in Lapworth
Some time between 18.00hrs on Wednesday 24 April 2019 and 18.00hrs on Friday 26 April 2019 offenders have smashed a window of a rear door at a property on Old Warwick Road, Lapworth. Once inside the offenders took the keys to a black Range Rover parked at the property and stole the Range Rover motor…
Read MoreTheft From Farm at Newbold on Stour
Overnight 27/04-28/04 3 motor-cross bikes and a chainsaw were stolen from a farm at Newbold-on-Stour If you have information that you believe may be connection to this incident, please contact the Police on 101, quoting incident number 81 of 28/4/19. Please remain vigilant around your area and report suspicious persons, vehicles or activity to the…
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