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Farm & Equine Only County

Operation Galileo – Hare Coursing – Please Report It

Operation Galileo Warwickshire Police are working with forces around the country on Operation Galileo to address hare coursing and related crimes. Increased reports are received around this time of year on farm land.   Please be vigilant. Coursing tends to happen on large flat areas of land. Be aware of a vehicle or number of vehicles…

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Plea to Dog Owners re Livestock in Fields

We are now in an important part of the farming calendar with most sheep in the fields at present pregnant. If you own a dog(s) PLEASE keep them on a lead at all times if near to an area with livestock in. If your dog(s) are outside unsupervised at any time please ensure that they…

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Quad Bike/ATV Alert and Advice

If you have a quad bike or ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) please take all necessary precautions to protect your vehicle and keep it secure. Review your security arrangements and take all necessary precautions. Please see the attached advice sheet for some tips and advice: Quad and ATV Advice sheet P 1 Quad and ATV Advice…

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Appeal to Dog Owners

We have sadly had a further 2 reports of dogs attacking sheep causing injury and death. Please, if you are walking in the countryside near a field with any livestock in, especially sheep, PLEASE put your dog on a lead and keep under close control. If your dogs are let out at anytime in your…

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Warwickshire Police Officers Respond to Loose Horse on Road

Whilst out on specialised training, officers heard horses hooves coming towards them. As it got nearer they saw a loose horse heading towards a major road. They immediately jumped into their vehicles, closed the road and caught the horse ensuring it was safe. The owner was identified and arranged to collect from the officers. The…

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Operation Dark Nights – Awareness Campaign

Warwickshire HorseWatch and Warwickshire Rural Crime Team are promoting ‘Operation Dark Nights’. This is a national initiative to promote awareness of vulnerable road users, which includes horse riders and carriage drivers. In support of The British Horse Society ‘Dead Slow’ campaign it includes raising the awareness of passing horses safely on the road by giving…

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Stolen Motorhome Recovered by Rural Crime Team

Yesterday (01/10/24) Rural Crime officers attended and located a stolen motorhome following some information that it might be in the vicinity. It was recovered and returned to it’s owner within 24 hours of the theft from the Atherstone area. If you have a caravan or motorhome please see the advice on our website – www.warwickshireruralwatch.co.uk.,  Caravan-Advice-New…

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Stolen Caravan Recovered by Rural Crime Team

Its been a productive morning for the Rural Crime Teams today ( 2/10/24). At around 8 am they received a call regarding a caravan that had been abandoned on a disused plot of land in the Rugby area. They attended and confirmed the caravan had been stolen earlier in the morning from an address in…

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