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Livestock on the Highway

When our officers are out and about in rural Warwickshire, around the county, it is always a pleasure to see livestock grazing safely in their fields, especially at this time of year with newborn lambs, calves and foals.

Unfortunately this week officers were called to two cows that had got out, with some others onto the road in the early hours, and had been hit by a vehicle. Unfortunately one died straight away and the other had to be attended to by a vet.

Warwickshire Police regularly receives phone calls from motorists and members of the public reporting livestock and horses loose on the highway.

Could we please ask all owners of livestock to regularly check fencing and field boundaries to ensure animals stay safe in their fields and cannot get out onto the road or other properties.

As well as the welfare of the animals concerned, the possibility of a road traffic accident where members of the public could be at risk is a serious issue.

We also remind anyone entering fields with livestock in that they MUST always close and ensure the gate is shut, especially if it leads onto the road.
Private fields should not be entered unless you have specific permission from the landowner or there is an authorised public footpath through it, which must be kept to and not deviated from.

Thank you for your help and support in this matter to keep both the animals and public safe and well.

RCO 5911 Cotterill