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Rural Crime Team Follow Up on Incidents Reported by Horse Riders on the Highway

Over the last two weeks the Rural Crime Team have dealt with three drivers who thought it was acceptable to rev their engine, beep their horn or swear/abuse horse riders on roads in South Warwickshire. All because they were held up for a moment or had to slow down.
This it totally unacceptable and extremely dangerous for the riders, horses and the driver.
Where evidence of such behaviour is provided to the police,we will take appropriate enforcement action to educate the driver. This can include one or more of the following:

1) A Section 59 Warning being placed on the vehicle and driver. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2002/30/section/59

2) A Traffic Offence Report being issued for inappropriate use of a vehicle horn.
3) A person being reported to court for a public order offence.
4) Being reported to court for driving without due care and attention or dangerous driving.

We would encourage all horse riders to be familiar with

The British Horse Society

guidance for riding on the highway.

Operation Snap can be used to submit video footage of offending drivers. For those riding on the roads frequently an action camera might be a worth while investment.
We appreciate we all have busy lives but our roads are used by more than just other vehicles.
Cyclists, runners, horse riders or ramblers could be around the next corner so please take care and be considerate.
This interactive game was produced to see if you can spot potential hazards while driving around Warwickshire.
The British Horse Society also would like to know about incidents that affect you and your horse – see their website at https://www.bhs.org.uk/our-work/safety/report-an-incident/report-an-incident
Image may contain: horse, outdoor and nature, text that says "WARWICKSHIRE RURAL CRIME TEAM"