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Modern Day Slavery Advice

Sadly, slavery is not confined to history books. Warwickshire Police are joining with charities, businesses, individuals, local authorities and colleagues from other police forces to raise awareness of slavery in 2021.
Modern slavery and human trafficking are horrendous crimes affecting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.
People are forced to work each day against their will. They may be denied even the most basic human rights or freedoms and controlled through violence, intimidation, deception or coercion.
Some are exploited sexually or forced to participate in criminal activity.  They may be trafficked from one area to another and face more than one form of exploitation
By spotting signs and reporting suspicions you can help to free victims of modern slavery, bring offenders to justice and end this evil trade in human lives.
If you are a victim of modern slavery in Warwickshire or if you know someone who is, please call us on 101 (999 in an emergency) or contact the Modern Slavery and Exploitation helpline on 0800 121700  or  www.modernslaveryhelpline.org