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Speed Enforcement Operations and Updates – North Warwickshire

Coleshill SNT officers have been carrying out speed enforcement operations in Shustoke and Nether Whitacre this morning as part of the NPCC Road safety campaign, as today is national safe speed day. The top speed we found today was 48MPH in a 30MPH.
13 traffic offence reports have been issued.
On the 13th September Coleshill SNT officers were out with Water Orton and Curdworth Community Speed Watch groups. This was the first time Curdworth have been out and conducting a speed check.
Coleshill SNT Officers have been out participating in the National Road Safety Campaign. Speed checks have been conducted at Ansley Common and Fillongley. A number of vehicles have been caught exceeding the speed limit and they will be reported for speeding.
The speed limit is there for a reason and everyone needs to adhere to the speed limit.
Court update from police speeding operation on Coleshill Road, Ansley Common in November which has only recently been heard in court last Friday where a male recorded excess speed in a 30mph zone.
The defendant was disqualified from driving by the court for 6 months under the totting up procedure.
Community Speed Watch
Are you interested in being the Community Speed Watch Coordinator for Fillongley or Over Whitacre? If you are interested then you can email us on nws.snt@warwickshire.pnn.police.uk.
The role of the coordinator is to arrange dates to conduct speed checks and are responsible for liaising with existing members of the village community speed watch.